Hello friends, my name is Deepika and I am going to be your host for today's accounting and tax segment. Once again, Sanjeev ji is with us in our studio. Sanjeev ji is a prominent certified public accountant located in Fremont, California. His firm offers services for small business owners as well as individuals. So, if you have any questions about your taxes, you can reach him at 582-567-563 or you can reach him online at SanjeevCPA.com. Sanjeev ji is also a prominent speaker on the radio. You can listen to him live on 1170 AM or 1550 AM. His office is located in Fremont, California. He has been practicing taxation there for the past several years. Before starting his practice there, he was also a chartered accountant in India. So, he has expertise in both Indian and US taxation. If you have any questions, give him a call. Once again, the number is 582-567-563. But Sanjeev ji is with us in the studio today, so let's see what he has in mind for us. Sanjeev ji, welcome to the show. Thank you, Deepika. A friend introduced me to the listeners/viewers today. Today's topic of discussion will be foreign account reporting, which has gained so much prominence in recent times. Why is it so important? It's important because many people have their accounts outside the US. They have money in bank accounts, investments in different securities, stocks, mutual funds, and companies. They are holding various types of investments and not declaring them on their taxes. This is why this discussion is important. We have to remember that US tax laws are based on worldwide income. If you are a resident, green card holder, or citizen of this country and you have these assets listed, but you are not declaring them on...
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Fbar filing deadline 2014-2024 Form: What You Should Know
S. Person with whom you have designated the financial account for reporting is the primary foreign financial account holder for the reporting account. The amount reported in the primary owner's name must be greater than 2,100 and no more than 20,000. The foreign financial account must be of a type described in paragraph 1 or 2 of §103.44 Foreign Business (PBT) To file the FAR for a foreign business that uses only the BLS data in place of the SIC for its income tax filings, See page 19 for BIRB instructions. To file the FAR as a BIRB, See chapter 7, of this guide for more information. To file the FAR as a non-BIRB, the taxpayer must not pay any business income taxes on the foreign business foreign income for a period of 5 years (or longer if the taxpayer is a certain type of business). For U.S. taxpayers, only foreign income earned by a U.S. company or individual that is subject to the U.S. personal income tax and any dividends received by a U.S. company or individual that is subject to the dividend tax (or any income that comes from such dividends) can be excluded on the first page of Form 1040. Business Transaction Income (TTI) To qualify for the Business Transaction Income (TTI) deduction, the taxpayer must be engaged in a business or has a related income of at least 500 million. For the purposes of this definition, the threshold amount is the greatest of 50 million or the average of the largest 10 taxpayers. This threshold amount is adjusted annually for inflation, which will occur on December 31 of each year. If the threshold amount is not met for any taxable year for the first time in any 12-month period that begins more than 3 years after the year with the highest threshold amount being met during such period, the threshold amount for the calendar year with the highest threshold is adjusted accordingly. Foreign Real Estate Property (FREQ) To qualify for the Foreign Real Estate Property (FREQ) deduction, the taxpayer can be considered to own real property that is not located in the United States and has been directly acquired, or indirectly, acquired solely for use in U.S. trade or business.
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